About GR Pottery,
"Shri Bhuvnesh Prasad s/o Shri Giriraj Prasad was born on 22nd March 1976 in Alwar, Rajasthan. He received skills of Terracotta Craft as a blessing from his father. He started in 1986 as a 10 years boy. In 1992 he left school and started working as a full time professional. His work got all around appreciation when he got State Award in 2000. He created a 10 Feet & 4 Feet Wide Pot in 2002 in Craft Museum, Pragati Maidan. He got National Award for his unprecedent work in 2002. He has taught Teracotta Craft to Students in Government & Priviate Schools. He introduced people to Electric Wheel. He took this art to the villages of Rajasthan and inspired not only Men but Women to adopt Pottery as a career. He got honoured by Rajasthan Govt for this effort. He got South Asia UNESCO Award on 27th Nov 2005 for Quality & Excellence in Handicarft Products. He has created a pot as small as 1 mm and as big as 16 Feet."
"Terracotta is a type of ceramic pottery. It’s used to make many flower pots. Terracotta is also often used for pipes, bricks, and sculptures.
Terracotta pottery is made by baking terracotta clay. In fact, the word “terracotta” comes from the Italian words for “baked earth.”Terracotta clay is easy to sculpt into all sorts of shapes. Once shaped, it’s heated to 1,000-2,000° F to harden. Then, a simple coat of glaze can make terracotta watertight.
Terracotta has been around for a long time. In fact, it was the only clay product used until around the 14th century. Archeologists have found terracotta sculptures that are 5,000 years old."