Our Supporters
Since CD began in 2020, there has been tremendous support in cash and kind. Students and volunteers have developed some of the most impactful outreaches to artisans by giving their time, while donors ranging from individuals to corporates have kept the network’s spirit running. Indus Tree Foundation has supported and anchored the network by funding the secretariat and managing all the administrative and compliance functions since 2020.
Industree Crafts Foundation is the voluntary secretriat for Creative Dignity.
APPI -Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives
Axtel Industries Ltd
Classic Industries and Exports Limited
Forbes Marshall Foundatiom
India for Artisans Auction
Give Foundation Inc.
Padmini VNA Mechatronics Pvt Ltd.
Roddenberry Foundation
Sheela Kanoria Foundation
The Great Eastern Shipping Company Limited
Our Collaborators
CD’s initiatives aspire to nurture a healthy network of all stakeholders of the artisan ecosystem that make collaborations possible for collective impact. All initiatives are done in partnership with CD members and organizations and with partners who can bring required expertise and relevance for the sector.