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Project Tarasha

CD X Project Tarasha nurtures the next generation of craftspeople, equipping artisan entrepreneurs with the essential tools to meet the ever-evolving market requirements.

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Craft Design Exchanges

Craft and Design have always been intertwined like wrap and weft. However, in the last couple of decades the market inclination had skewed towards designers, reducing artisans to manufacturers or suppliers. We want to show the power of equitable artisan-designer partnerships…

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Creative Dignity is a movement that has brought together diverse creative producers, practitioners, and professionals to energize the ecosystem that Indian artisans need in this time of COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 impact. We envision a world where artisans have the agency to thrive with dignity.

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artisans reached through all our programs since 2020


members in the CD Network


market platforms reached through the network

Innovative Member-Driven Initiatives

As a network, CD is a space for new ideas, incubation and […]

Dynamic Databases

The handmade sector in India is largely self-organized and decentralized. Decentralization of […]

Artisan Direct – Market Connect

Markets are the pivot for stability and growth for micros enterprises. In […]

Relief & Recovery

CD began as a covid relief response for the handmade sector in […]

Creative Enterprise Lab

Covid enabled many young artisans to enter the handmade sector due to […]


Indian creative handmade practices have long had a respect for nature and […]

Dayalal Kudecha
Weaver, Bhujodi, Kutch

Creative Dignity hume aaj ke samay digital duniya se jodta hai aur is digital world me ek dusre se jodta hai. (CD connects us to today's digital world and connects us to each other here.)

Industree Crafts Foundation is the voluntary secretriat for Creative Dignity.